Apr 11

Apr 11 - Apr 13

2025 Jesup Championships


Lake Lindsay Grace

Jesup, GA

Apr 12

Apr 12 - Apr 13

The 2025 Blue Water Resort & Cas...


Colorado River

Parker, AZ

Apr 12

2024 9th Annual Kenmore Hydropla...


Lake Washington

Kenmore, WA, WA

Apr 19

Apr 19 - Apr 20

2025 Moses Lake Spring Regatta


Cascade Park Moses Lake

Moses Lake, WA

Apr 19 - Apr 20

Salmon River Jet Boat Race


Salmon River

Riggins, ID

Apr 26

Apr 26

Freeport Riverfest 2024


Old Brazos River

Freeport, TX

Apr 26 - Apr 27

Region 6 Test & Tune


Caesar Creek Lake

Waynesville, OH

May 2

May 2 - May 4

Lake Havasu


Lake Havasu

Lake Havasu City, AZ, AZ

May 3

May 3 - May 4

Norm Evans Apple Cup


Lake Chelan

Chelan, WA

May 3 - May 4

Port Neches Riverfest


Neches River

Port Neches, TX

May 3 - May 4

Harford County Spring Nationals


Bush River

Edgewood, MD

May 3 - May 4

Spring Lock Haven Regatta


Susquehanna River

Lock Haven, PA

May 3 - May 4

D.B. Cooper Regatta


Silver Lake

Castle Rock, WA

May 10

May 10 - May 11

George Grant Memorial Race


Trinity River

Hoopa, CA

May 10 - May 11

US Title Series Spring Shootout


Champions Park Lake

Springfield, OH

May 10 - May 11

Spring Race at Salt Spring


Salt Spring Reservoir

Copperopolis, CA

mobile menu

Frequently Asked Questions

About APBA

What is the American Power Boat Association (APBA)?

Founded in 1903, the APBA celebrates a phenomenal 116 years of organized boat racing competitions and is the oldest governing body in motorsports. Whatever your need for speed, APBA is sure to have a place just for you. Competition, thrills, victory and honor can be found in all 13 of APBA's racing categories, comprising a broad selection of inboard and outboard engines and countless hull configurations. From Offshore powerboats and Unlimited Hydroplanes to smaller Junior class hydroplanes, APBA is the place to be. The APBA is the only recognized authority for boat racing in the United States representing the worldwide sanctioning body the Union of International Motonautique (U.I.M.).

Hosting a Race

I am interested in getting a race to my city. Who do I contact?

If you are interested in hosting a race in your city please contact the APBA Director of Operations, Rebecca Nichols, at bnichols@apba.org or call APBA National Headquarters at (586) 773-9700.

Membership Questions

How can I join APBA?

The most efficient way to join is by visiting the Join APBA page. To renew your membership login to your membership page. You can also download and print a membership application here and mail it in.

What are the types of membership?

There are three (3) types of membership: Racing, Participating (Non-Racing) and Associate.

Racing Membership - (Boat Owner, Driver, or Rider): This membership includes: APBARacing membership card, Decals, Voting privileges, National Highpoints,eligible for Hall of Champions, APBA's Propeller Magazine**, Annual APBAYearbook and other member benefits.

Cost of membership depends on which Category you join and boats you have registered.

Participating (Non-Racing) Membership: for Race Official, Referee, Inspector, Scorer, Race Director, Crew Member or the dedicated Fan.  This membership includes: APBA Membership card, Decal, Voting privileges, APBA's Propeller Magazine**, Annual APBA yearbook, and other member benefits.

Associate  Membership:is a Non-Voting membership. This membership is an APBA Propeller Magazine**subscription. Which includes a membership card, APBA decal, and other memberbenefits.

Cost of this membership is $35 per year.

*** ALL Category Rule Books and Reference Book are available online only ***

**Propeller Magazine is mailed (6) times a year**

How much are membership dues?

The dues are dependent on the category you are racing (Inboard, Stock, OPC, etc.) and the type of membership (Racing, Participating or Associate).

What is the membership year?

Our membership year ends October 31 of each year. If you sign up on October 1 you will receive a 13-month membership at no additional charge. All Racing and Non-Racing memberships expire on October 31 of each year. Associate memberships are 12 month memberships from the day you sign up.

Since membership is calendar year, are membership dues prorated?

No. We are sorry but memberships are not prorated. Please sign up early to take advantage of the full years' worth of APBA benefits.

Do you offer a single event membership?

Single event memberships allow a person to participate at an APBA Event and be covered by the APBA insurance. There are NO membership benefits for a single event membership. Single event memberships are NOT available at any categories Regional, Divisional, National or World Championship events. You cannot set a record as a single event member nor upgrade to a Full membership after the record has been set to claim the record.

Where can I find a single event membership application?

A Single event membership application is ONLY available at the event you are going to participate in. You will sign up and pay for the membership at the event. You cannot pay for a Single event membership before the event.

Can I convert my Single event membership to a Full membership?

Yes, you can convert a Single Event Membership into an Annual membership if you pay the difference between the two within 30 days of the event. Single event memberships taken during the month of October can only be converted if the member is NEW.

Membership Advantages

What do I get for my membership with APBA?

APBA provides many things to our members, including: over 100 years of racing history; a full time professional staff; legal help in times of trouble; $5 million in liability coverage at each regatta; participant accident insurance; established safety, racing and technical rules that allow members to race across the U.S. with a known set of rules; UIM records that are recognized worldwide; true national championship regattas and national high point titles, access to UIM world championship events, and the APBA Hall of Champions.

I lost my membership card. How do I get a new one?

If you have lost your membership card and need a replacement, or have completed capsule training or had a physical AFTER a card has been issued, you can obtain anew card by sending $10 to APBA or by calling National Headquarters at (586) 773-9700 and paying for the new card with a credit card.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my membership?

You can contact APBA National Headquarters at (586) 773-9700 or send an email to shaudek@apba.org.

What is the refund policy?

All membership registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.

When will I receive my membership card and packet?

If you join online, your membership packet (which includes your membership card) will typically arrive in approximately two weeks. The fastest way to join is ONLINE! If you join by submitting a paper membership application, your packet will arrive in approximately two weeks from the date we receive the membership at APBA National Headquarters. If you join at a race you will typically receive your membership packet with two weeks after the race site has sent in the paperwork and your application to APBA National Headquarters. Please make sure you have signed the Waiver on the back of your membership application or it will delay you receiving your membership packet.

Website Questions

How to recover a lost or forgotten password?

You can recover your password by clicking on the "Forgot Password" link on the member login page or by visiting the Password Recovery page.

APBA National High Points

Where can I find my APBA National High-points?

APBA National Highpoints can be found on the High Points page.

My APBA National High-points are not updated what do I do?

APBA National High-points are normally updated within seven days AFTER we have received the results from the event that you participated at. Please note some race sites are faster at submitting results than others. So between mail and entering the results please allow at least three weeks. If you think there is a problem with your points, please send an email to cminoletti@apba.org.

Rules Questions

I have a rule question can someone help me?

If you have a rule question, please first refer to our Rulebook page. If you were not able to find an answer to your question you may contact the Category Chairman of the category you have a question regarding by visiting our Staff and Admin page.

Risk Management

Does everyone in the restricted area need to be an APBA member?

No. However, everyone in the restricted area does need to sign the APBA waiver.

Why are referees, risk managers, and race committee members being asked to sign a letter stating that they have reviewed the risk management requirements and insurance application for each race site?

The intent of this letter is to remind the signers of the risk management procedures that the referees, risk managers, and race committees agreed to when they submitted the APBA sanction and insurance application. The letter does not impose any additional risk management requirements.

Are there any new risk management requirements for 2016?

Yes, see below:


What is APBA's liability coverage for 2016?

APBA has liability coverage for each regatta in the amount of $5 million. We have had $5 million for over two decades.

Are APBA officials covered by the liability policy?


Does APBA have participant accident coverage in 2016?

Yes. Here is how APBA's participant accident insurance works for APBA members.

  1. For members with their own health insurance, APBA's insurance covers the deductible on the member's insurance up to $10,000. For example, suppose a driver is injured at an APBA event, the medical bills are $5,000, and the member's deductible on their own health insurance is $2,000. APBA's insurance will cover the $2,000. In this case, the member will pay nothing out of pocket.
  2. For members without their own health insurance, APBA's participant accident insurance will cover medical bills up to $10,000. In this case, there is a deductible of $3,500.

Does APBA's participant accident coverage extend to inpiduals who are not APBA members?

Yes. In works is the same way as the participant accident insurance for members. However, the cap is $3000 for nonmembers instead of the $10,000 for members.

Did APBA have participant accident coverage in 2017?

Yes. Hawk Race Consulting is our broker and Alive Risk is our insurance carrier for 2017.