2014 | Jim Codling

Jim attended his first boat race in 1965 at the Inboard Nationals at Lake Washington. "The second day I was running the pits," Codling said with a laugh. "That's kind of what started it and I went on from there."
Over the years Codling has been involved in almost every category in the APBA and has refereed around the world and officiated more than 700 total races. As an APBA member since the 1960's, Codling has contributed far more than the norm of what would be expected of a boat owner in both Region 10 and the American Power Boat Association.
Beginning in 1979, Codling became the Region 10 Chairman and would hold the position until 2009. Participating in mostly Inboard Racing, Codling has been a member of the Inboard Racing Commission for 28 years, he is five-time Pro Stock National Champion as an owner and has three UIM Pro Stock records.
"Over the years I have witnessed his many selfless contributions to both APBA and Region 10, regardless of the category," APBA Inboard Racing Commissioner Bob Schellhase said. "APBA and Region 10 are much stronger today than they were previously due to Jim's leadership and guidance."
"(The Honor Squadron) is a great honor for everybody to be recognized for what they have done for the sport," Codling said. "It's nice to be honored for what you have contributed and how it's survived with all of our efforts."