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1980 | Charles Hornickel

Charles Hornickel

Hornickel started with APBA in 1951 driving Stock Outboard. After 12 years of competing, Charlie turned to officiating.

As Region Stock Outboard Chairman for the next 10 years, he increased the number of Stock races. He served as inspector and referee at the Stock and OPC Nationals.

Active at both the regional and national levels, he served on the Stock Outboard and OPC Racing Commissions, including a stint as Stock Outboard Vice President. As chairman of the first Scoring Committee, Charlie helped formulate the basic system now used nationally.

As Region 3 Chairman and member of the Council at Large, Charlie contributed much over the years to the growth and well-being of APBA, and has the respect and admiration of both the Inboard and Outboard factions he served selflessly for over 25 years.