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1977 | Rocky Stone

Rocky Stone

Stone started racing in 1938 and since then garnered innumerable High Points Awards, National Championships and records.

Among his major awards are the Hearst Trophy, the George H. Townsend Medal and the Col. Green Round Hill Trophy. He dominated C Racing Runabout and C Racing Hydro through 1970. Rocky also drove Stock and in 1955 set the DU five-mile competition record.

Meanwhile, Rocky served on the APBA Outboard Racing Commission, and as an inspector, contributing out of his own pocket to put on the kilo trials and races at Devil's Lake OR. A member of the Gulf Racing Hall of Fame, he also received Outboard Magazine's Silver Prop Award and Yachting Magazine's All-American Award. He was not only a proven competitor, but a friend and helping hand to many, many newcomers to this great sport.