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2023 BOD and Council Nominations

By: Becky Nichols | APBA Director of Operations | Jun 30, 2022

Photo: APBA HQ

Nominations Open

Board of Directors and Council at Large Nominations

Board of Directors: Three (3) at-large directors shall be elected annually by the membership for 3-year terms.

Council at Large: Four (4) council-members-at-large shall be elected by the membership for 3-year terms.

Terms Ending:

Voter Eligibility:

Who to Nominate:

   *Any officer, director, owner, agent, or attorney of or for a licensee of the Association may be a member of the Association as a Licensee Member, but he or she shall not have the right to vote or serve as a director or officer of the Association. APBA ByLaw 4.8


If you're nominated:

All nominations must be received at Headquarters prior to August 1.


Refer to the APBA Bylaws, article 9, for a full description of the Election Process.


The Nominating Committee shall consist of the current Board of Directors, Category Chairs, and Region Chairs.

President, Chris Fairchild-chris@fairchildracing.com

Vice President, Mary Williams-mjracing5p@outlook.com

Board of Directors

Kyle Bahl-racerkyle@hotmail.com

Kip Brown-kipperps28@yahoo.com

Katelyn Fanaris-t2racing@yahoo.com

Fred Hauenstein-fred.hauenstein@gmail.com

Jean Mackay-Schwartz-jean84c@earthlink.net

Kurt Romberg-kromberg@rfkracing.com

Jan Shaw-janetshaw4994@comcast.net

Matt Yarno-myarno1041@yahoo.com

Category Chairs

Howie Nichols-apba113@gmail.com

Tom Sutherland-tls@wengco.com

Kristi Ellison-parroth222@aol.com

Sherron Winer-winer.sherron@gmail.com

Robert Wilson-bobwilson1024@gmail.com

Region Chairs

Pete Nichols-nicholsracing@bellsouth.net

Ann Marie Shaw-instpov@yahoo.com

Richard Shaw-shawracingt2@yahoo.com

Jeff Titus-jstitus2@att.net

Tom Johnston-tjohnston15m@live.com

Bill Pavlick-bpavlick125v@gmail.com

Ken Scoville-ken_scoville@comcast.net

Roger Carr-rcinr12@aol.com

Jim Olson-jolson5859@frontier.com