Meeting Minutes - BOD 10.3.23
By: Becky Nichols | APBA Director of Operations | Oct 19, 2023
1. Call to order
a. Zoom call called to order at 8:06 PM EST by President Chris Fairchild
2. Welcome
a. Welcome John Runne as a new Board member as of November 1. We will be losing Jean Mackay-Schwartz as a board member but she will be maintaining other positions.
3. Roll Call
a. Present on Zoom call were Chris Fairchild, Mary Williams, Brent Walbrun, Monica Allen, Becky Nichols, Jan Shaw, Kip Brown, Fred Hauenstein, John Wlodarski III, Robin Shane, Katelyn Fanaris, Kurt Romberg, John Runne, Jean Mackay-Schwartz, Roger Carr, Kristi Ellison, Jason Diamond, Jeff Conant, David Shaw, Logan Sweeney, Patrick Gleason, Carl Lewis, Heidi Dunk-Vincent, Bob Wartinger, Matt Yarno, Jeff Buckley, Rich Fuchslin, Jim Sechler, Scott Wittenauer, Bob Wilson, Howie Nichols, Tom Sutherland, Rich Luhrs, Pete Nichols, Ann Shaw, Richard Shaw, Jeff Titis, Julian Rucki. Excused were Sherron Winer, Bill Pavlick and Robert Trolian.
4. Confidentiality Agreements
a. We will get a new confidentiality agreement on file for everyone this year as it's important to have a new one every year. They will be emailed out and need to be returned.
5. Approved minutes from 1/25/23 and 1/28/23 meetings
Motion: Kurt Romberg
Second: Jean Mackay-Schwartz
Passed unanimously
6. Approve email votes taken by board
Motion: Kurt Romberg
Second: Fred Hauenstein
Pass Unanimously
7. Election of President
a. Kurt Romberg would like to nominate Chris Fairchild (This will be his final two years)
Motion: Kurt Romberg
Second: Robin Shane
Pass Unanimously
8. Approval of Vice President
a. Chris Fairchild would like to nominate Kurt Romberg
Motion: Jean Mackay-Schwartz
Second: Robin Shane
Pass unanimously
9. Approval of Secretary
a. Monica Allen to stay secretary
Motion: Kurt Romberg
Second: Robin Shane
Pass unanimously
10. Approval of Treasurer
a. Brent Walbrun to stay treasurer
Motion: Kurt Romberg
Second: Robin Shane
Pass unanimously
11. Executive Committee addition – Executive Assistant
a. Motion to add another position to the executive committee which would be the executive assistant for the President which would be Mary Williams. Position would be appointed by the president and approved by the board. Confidentiality agreement will apply to this position and will have no voting privileges.
Motion: Kristi Ellison
Second: Jean Mackay-Schwartz
Pass unanimously
12. Any other business
a. Per Robin Shane. She was contacted from someone in region 7. Ballet had no write in slot for chairman and had no option to not vote for a position. Becky is aware of this issue. It was a mistake and will be corrected for next year.
13. Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn at 8:24 PM EST
Motion: Jean Mackay-Schwartz
Second: Kurt Romberg
Pass unanimously
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