A Message from APBA President Chris Fairchild
By: Chris Fairchild | APBA President | Mar 23, 2020
Photo: APBA HQ

Hello APBA members,
We find ourselves in interesting times, with concerns over large gatherings and the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Municipalities are cancelling permits for all sorts of events, including boat racing. I think one of our struggles right now can actually be viewed as one of our advantages
Very few places can control our venue — we are more of “a day in the park.” I feel our type of events will be one of the first to be allowed to start back up again. We do not sit shoulder-to-shoulder, and we do not shepherd people through turnstiles. We are out in the open and can distance ourselves from one another. I live in a state that has decided to tell us to stay home for two weeks. This will slow down my work. But when Illinois is up and going again, I will be thrashing just trying to catch up. So for now, I am in my shop playing with boats and engines, using solvents that can kill any virus, and enjoying my family. For those of you who live on the water and can go out and test your boats, please keep in mind that everybody else is home now too. Don’t be too noisy, and don’t cause problems on your favorite testing pond. The Governor of Michigan has just released a stay-at-home order for the next three weeks, this does not mean that the work at APBA has stopped. Last year we had a revamping of our IT at the office, and now because of those efforts we are all able to work remotely. There are some limitations, naturally, so if your membership card does not show up right away, rest assured it will. For now, it is APBA’s plan to proceed as best we can and be ready to get back to racing as soon as municipalities and governments let us. Remember, we are APBA, and we have been racing for over 100 years — through everything the world has been through — and we will do so again once this pandemic is over.
-Chris Fairchild, APBA President
**If you call APBA HQ and there is no answer, please leave a voicemail. We WILL call you back. You may also email apbahq@apba.org at any time.**
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