Board of Directors Meeting 10-5-21
By: Mary Williams | APBA Secretary | Oct 7, 2021
OCTOBER 5, 2021
1. The meeting was called to order by the President, Chris Fairchild, at 8:31 PM.
2. Roll call was taken. In attendance were: Chris Fairchild, Mary Williams, Matt Yarno, Kyle Bahl, Fred Hauenstein, Katelyn Shaw, Kurt Romberg, Jean Mackay-Schwartz, Jan Shaw, Pete Nichols, Patrick Gleason, Bob Wartinger, Don Allen, Ernie Dawe, Kelly Hannon, Jeff Conant, David Shaw, Rich Fuchslin, Jack Meyer, Dutch Squires, Jeff Brewster, Rich Luhrs, Robin Shane, Jeff Buckley, Ann Marie Shaw, Richard Shaw, Jeff Titus, Bill Pavlick, Aaron Stephens, Jim Olsen, Sherron Winer, Howie Nichols, Holly Jones, and Becky Nichols. Howard Shaw was excused.
3. President Fairchild welcomed all newly elected Board members, Region Chairs, and Council members.
4. President Fairchild explained that Confidentiality Agreements for Board members need to be returned by November 1.
5. Motion by Pete Nichols, seconded by Kyle Bahl to approve the minutes from the January 29, 2021, meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
6. Motion by Jan Shaw, seconded by Pete Nichols to approve the email votes taken by the Board since the meeting of January 29. Motion passed unanimously.
7. President Fairchild gave an update on the sale of the headquarters building. He reported that the purchaser had requested a 30 day extension to complete their due diligence. He explained the Relocation Committee will be meeting on October 6. No decision on a new headquarters will be finalized without Board input.
8. President Fairchild and Director of Operations Becky Nichols provided an update on the marketing group’s activities over the past year. President Fairchild expressed the need to find a new marketing group. He expressed that the best marketing we have currently is the news that Fran Muncey is being inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame. We have lent the Gold Cup, the President’s Cup, and the Martini & Rossi Trophy to the Hall of Fame for display during the event. Becky Nichols reported that Seaside Marketing is doing an event for Race World Offshore in Key West in November and have asked us to look at this event as an example of what they can do. After discussion, the consensus was to wait until Becky can provide us with the marketing done for this event before making a decision as to the future.
9. President Fairchild gave a brief review of the recent Board decision to not sanction an Inboard testing event in Washington due to the concerns of local hospitals about their ability to handle any incident due to Covid capacity limits. He explained that local clubs need to be sure they consult with local hospitals on availability and make sure Covid plans are in place. Becky Nichols reported that memberships in 2021 have surpassed 2000 members and are up 11% over October, 2020 levels and only down 3% from the 2019 level. We have returned to the 2019 level of 79 club members. In 2020 we had only 17 events. In 2021 we are projecting 122 events which is only 6 short of the 2019 level.
10. Other Old Business
a. President Fairchild noted that the Safety Committee was going to work on the capsule training wording. Safety Chairman Bob Wartinger stated that the wording on the January 29 minutes was adequate.
b. Pete Nichols asked if anything has been done on a proposal to have the Historical Society take over our trophies. President Fairchild reported that quotes are being obtained on the costs of shipping containers for the large trophies and will then submit a grant application to the Historical Society for this.
c. Katelyn Shaw asked if capsule training is done after October 1st, is it then good for the next 2 racing seasons. Becky Nichols verified that this is so. Bob Wartinger expressed a concern that the standard for most of the world is 14 months.
11. Director of Operations Becky Nichols conducted the election of the President. Kurt Romberg nominated Chris Fairchild. Matt Yarno nominated Jan Shaw. A roll call ballot was done. Voting in favor of Mr
Fairchild were Kyle Bahl, Fred Hauenstein, Jean Mackay-Schwartz, Kurt Romberg, Katelyn Shaw, and Chris Fairchild. Voting for Mrs. Shaw were Matt Yarno and Jan Shaw. Mr. Fairchild was declared the winner.
12. President Fairchild then conducted the election of the other officers.
a. Vice-President. Chris requested the Board elect Mary Williams as Vice-President. Kurt Romberg nominated Mary. A roll call vote was taken with all Board members in attendance voting in favor of Mary’s election.
b. Secretary. Chris requested the Board elect Monica Allen as Secretary and Brent Walbrun as Treasurer. Kurt Romberg nominated Monica and Brent as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. A roll call vote was taken with all Board members in attendance voting in favor of Monica’s and Brent’s election.
13. President Fairchild stated that with the election of Kip Brown to the Board of Directors, there was a vacancy on the Council. He recommended the Board elect Rich Luhrs to fill Kip’s term on Council. Motion by Kurt Romberg, seconded by Fred Hauenstein to elect Rich to the Council vacancy. A roll call vote was taken with all Board members in attendance voting in favor of Rich’s election.
14. Other New Business
a. Katelyn Shaw requested an update on the upcoming national meeting. President Fairchild directed Becky Nichols to send an email update. He urged everyone to keep in mind that while we are working towards an in-person event, we are still at the mercy of local health conditions.
b. President Fairchild expressed his appreciation for everyone who took the time out of their busy schedules to sit on boards and committees and those who work to put on races. He said that we are APBA and we control our destiny. When we work together, we can accomplish a lot.
15. There being no further business, motion by Jan Shaw, seconded by Fred Hauenstein to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Williams
APBA Secretary
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