Board of Directors Meeting 12-10-20
December 10, 2020
1. The teleconference was called to order by the President, Chris Fairchild at 8:30 PM.
2. Roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Chris Fairchild, Adam Allen, Brent Walbrun, Mary Williams, Jan Shaw, Abby Pond, Matt Yarno, Kyle Bahl, Fred Hauenstein, Katelyn Shaw, Kurt Romberg, Jean Mackay-Schwartz, Pete Nichols, Mark Wheeler, Rachel Warnock, Jack Meyer, Patrick Gleason, Bob Wartinger, Don Allen, Rich Fuschslin, Kip Brown, Ernie Dawe, Kelly Hannon, Dutch Squires, Jeff Brewster, Rich Luhrs, Robin Shane, John Krebs, Richard Shaw, Jeff Titus, Tom Johnston, David Hale, Ann Fitzgerald, Howie Nichols, Kaitlyn Glossner, and Becca Nichols. Bill Gohr was excused.
3. Minutes from the 9/30/20 Board of Directors Teleconference were presented. Motion by Jean Mackay-Schwartz, seconded by Matt Yarno to approve the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Kurt Romberg presented new wording for General Safety Rule #29 to provide clarification. The new rule shall read: “Leading edge radii of less than .500”, in sideview, are prohibited on outboard hydroplanes and runabout fins. Leading edges are defined as any edge that can be seen in front view.” Moton by Mark Wheeler, seconded by Matt Yarno to approve the new rule wording. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Financial report as of October 31, 2020 was presented and discussed. President Fairchild reported that approximately 30% of APBA’s 2020 members had sent in their 2021 memberships at this point. Treasurer Brent Walbrun reported APBA’s fund raiser challenge had topped $45,000 as of the current time.
6. President Fairchild presented an initial offer for the APBA headquarters building in the amount of $300,000. Discussion was held on the options to proceed. Board members were asked to express an amount for a counter-offer. It was decided to go with a counter-offer of $385,000. A discussion was held on the future of an APBA headquarters building and where it should be located. Those in attendance were asked to send a state they would recommend and the reason for this recommendation to Holly Jones. Director of Operations, Becca Nichols agreed to send out membership numbers by state over the past few years. Discussion was then held on the need to have secure storage for APBA’s many trophies and awards. Becca Nichols reported that the staff is inventorying what trophies we have and if there is a deed of transfer that states where the trophy must be kept. She has also heard from a museum in Detroit offering to help with storage during this building transition.
7. Director of Operations, Becca Nichols, presented a tentative schedule of meetings for the annual meeting to be held virtually the last two weeks in January. The meetings will be broadcast live with those watching having the opportunity to participate via chat functions. Chairman of each meeting will be asked to provide names of those who need the zoom invites to participate. Becca also announced that in-person meetings had been re-scheduled for the net 3 years. meetings will be held the last week in January:
a. 2022 will be held in Orlando, FL at the same hotel
b. 2023 will be held in Seattle, WA at a new hotel
c. 2024 will be held in Orlando, FL at the same hotel
8. President Fairchild asked that the committee lists be approved as presented with the exception of the Vintage Committee. This committee is still being compiled. Motion by Mark Wheeler to approve all committees as presented, with the exception of Vintage. Seconded by Jan Shaw. In response to a question, Chris reported that he would like to streamline the committee membership to make it a more manageable group. Becca Nichols explained that the focus of the Digital Age committee would change from a promotion focus to one of focusing on bringing the association into the digital age. Katelyn Shaw volunteered to work on this committee and was added. Mary Williams asked that everyone check the contact information printed on the lists and report any changes to Becca Nichols. The motion passed unanimously.
9. David Hale presented a request to extend health physicals from the 2020 season to include the 2021 season. Motion by Jean Mackay-Schwartz to approve, seconded by Jan Shaw. After discussion, a roll call vote was taken. All members of the Board voted against approving this. President Fairchild appointed Jan Shaw to put together information to help members comply with this requirement during the pandemic.
10. Other matters.
a. A letter from the Connecticut Outboard Association was presented expressing the problems of local clubs when the nationals were held on different dates often conflicting with local races. President Fairchild expressed that this is not a board matter as dates are determined by the categories and referred this issue to Stock Outboard Chairman, Jeff Brewster. A letter will be sent back to the club to inform them of this.
b. Proposed by-law changes were presented by Region 6. Motion to approve by Mark Wheeler, seconded by Kyle Bahl. Motion passed unanimously.
c. Bob Wartinger gave a brief update on the activities of ICMS, the future view of COVID-19, a recommendation that once we start racing again more testing time should be planned for to help drivers, and noted that the drug testing form we sign each year for UIM now applies to drivers, officials, and all other participants in the event. There have also been adjusted penalties approved for different infractions.
d. Ernie Dawe thanked the Board for their actions in facilitating racing on the October 31-November 1 weekend.
e. Becca Nichols noted that during the Committee approval, Kyle Bahl had expressed interest in being on the Digital Age Committee also but due to technical difficulties this did not appear. President Fairchild added him to the committee with Board concurrence.
f. Becca also reported on the agreement with the Davis Group to help APBA gain recognition in the racing world. Specifics on the no-fee agreement were presented. In addition to allying APBA with an ARCA driver, the group will also help with supplier suggestions for buoys, flags, etc. Rich Luhrs also mentioned another group who do regular publicity on different categories of racing. He will provide Becca with the contact information on this.
g. Bob Wartinger noted that he will be resubmitting safety items which were not approved in 2020, but which he feels need to be considered.
h. Jan Shaw stated that she has been making face masks with team logos on them. Anyone who is in need is asked to contact Jan.
i. President Fairchild expressed thanks to all APBA members for their generous donations to the APBA challenge fundraiser. This generosity will help APBA remain strong.
11. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mark Wheeler, seconded by Jan Shaw. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Williams
APBA Secretary
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