BOD Approves Rule Changes
By: Becky Nichols | APBA Director of Operations | Jun 22, 2021
Photo: APBA HQ

The APBA Board of Directors has approved the following rule changes. Please read each item carefully:
APBA General Racing Rule 23 “Appeals” will now read:
1. All decisions of the Referee regarding violations of starting, driving, and of course rules shall be final, and appeals will be allowed only if suspension is involved.
2. Any contestant who wishes to appeal a disqualification of a boat, motor, or suspension, may do so by filing with the Referee a written statement accompanied with the appropriate fee. The matter will then be settled by the appropriate Racing Commission, or Disciplinary Committee if applicable. Under no circumstances will an appeal be entertained unless it is filed with the Referee not later than one hour after the finish of the last heat of racing of the day or within one hour of the adverse decision, whichever comes later.
3. All appeals received by the Referee must be sent to the appropriate Racing Commission Chair or Disciplinary Committee Chair and APBA HQ within 48 hours of receipt.
4. The Racing Commission or Disciplinary Committee must render a final decision within 7 days of the appeal.
5. All appeal payments must be made payable to APBA.
View the full rulebook HERE
2021 Klamath Trinity River Racers rules have been approved
View them HERE
2021 Cal-Ore River Racers rules and bylaws have been approved.
View them HERE
2021 Offshore Rules have been updated. See version four HERE
Specifically, the minimum age for Class 700 has been reduced to 14.
Rule 4.B.2.a now reads:
a. Class 700 – Class 700 shall have a minimum age of 14 with the following requirements:
(1) This is for Class 700 ONLY, as any faster/larger classes must be reserved for people over the age of 18 (or 16 with Parental Consent)
(2) This is limited to no more than one 14+ year old in the cockpit, who must be accompanied by either a parent or legal Guardian, or an adult (over 21) racer who has participated in at least 5 prior starts in an APBA Offshore Race.
(3) The boat and crew which includes the 14+ year old must start 100 yards/300 feet behind the start boat in their first event.
(4) Henceforth, 14 is the minimum age WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
(5) At each event the underage racer must provide a signed release/minor waiver from his or her parent or legal guardian during registration.
(6) Before his or her first event, the underage racer must provide evidence of completion of a Coast Guard approved Boating Safety Course.
(7) Before his or her first event, the underage racer and the adult co-driver must be interviewed and approved by the event Referee to assure that they understand all of the APBA Safety Requirements and Rules of the Road.
Per request of the Inboard Category, the APBA Board of Directors has approved Single Event Members to participate in Championship Events. This applies to INBOARD ONLY.
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