Apr 11

Apr 11 - Apr 12

2025 Jesup Championships


Lake Lindsay Grace

Jesup, GA

Apr 12

Apr 12 - Apr 13

The 2025 Blue Water Resort & Cas...


Colorado River

Parker, AZ

Apr 12

2024 9th Annual Kenmore Hydropla...


Lake Washington

Kenmore, WA, WA

Apr 19

Apr 19 - Apr 20

2025 Moses Lake Spring Regatta


Cascade Park Moses Lake

Moses Lake, WA

Apr 19 - Apr 20

Salmon River Jet Boat Race


Salmon River

Riggins, ID

Apr 26

Apr 26

Freeport Riverfest 2024


Old Brazos River

Freeport, TX

Apr 26 - Apr 27

Region 6 Test & Tune


Caesar Creek Lake

Waynesville, OH, OH

May 2

May 2 - May 4

Lake Havasu


Lake Havasu

Lake Havasu City, AZ, AZ

May 3

May 3 - May 4

Lake Chelan Apple Cup


Lake Chelan

Chelan, WA

May 3 - May 4

Port Neches Riverfest


Neches River

Port Neches, TX

May 3 - May 4

Harford County Spring Nationals


Bush River

Edgewood, MD

May 3 - May 4

Spring Lock Haven Regatta


Susquehanna River

Lock Haven, PA

May 3 - May 4

D.B. Cooper Regatta


Silver Lake

Castle Rock, WA

May 8

May 8 - May 11

Title Series Spring Shootout


Champions Park Lake

Springfield, OH

May 10

May 10 - May 11

George Grant Memorial Race


Trinity River

Hoopa, CA

May 16

May 16 - May 18

Thunder On Cocoa Beach


Atlantic Ocean

Cocoa Beach , FL

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March 31 Update from President Fairchild

By: Chris Fairchild | APBA President | Mar 31, 2020

Photo: APBA HQ

Chris Fairchild

Hello APBA members,

As we continue to sort through this pandemic one day at time, our lives as we know them continue to seek a “new normal.” Everyone has questions about what we are doing and what our future holds.

As we here at HQ try to work through the logistics, please be assured that every voice is being heard. We are working every day through current and newly developing problems to find the best solutions.

Specifically, concerning questions regarding capsule test certification and physicals, it is of my opinion that the APBA — like most other sanctioning bodies — is on hold indefinitely to try to minimize the severity of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). To not split hairs, we are simply pressing the pause button March 16th on some of our rules and requirements where dates and deadlines are concerned until we are back to sanctioning events.

For example, if you need a capsule test certification or a physical, and if we are on pause until June, you will have a four-month grace period to get yourself up to date. This means that if your capsule test certification or your physical is due in May, your existing certification or physical is valid until August. This grace period does not pertain to all recertifications, but most are covered. If in doubt, always ask HQ so that when we do finally get back to racing, you’ll know you’re ready.

On the racing front, we do still have races on the schedule.

Naturally, those are all contingent on what our federal, state, and local governments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allow. For now, I like the idea of hope. But out of respect for our members, I ask all of our promoters to try and give a 30-day “go-no-go” deadline.

The good news is that airline tickets are reasonable right now, but we need to keep everyone as safe as we can. Again, I like the idea of hope. So keep putting races on the calendar as it give us something to look forward to and talk about.

I am enjoying some of this time as I rebuild motors that have been blown up and in baskets for 10 years, and it has been fantastic to have my girls and my wife at home with me. There is always a silver lining — sometimes you just have to look a little harder to find it. I am also grateful and thankful to one and all for the great social media activity. Let’s continue to still have some fun through all of this.

-Chris Fairchild, APBA President