Apr 11

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Riggins, ID

Apr 26

Apr 26

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Old Brazos River

Freeport, TX

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Caesar Creek Lake

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May 3

May 3 - May 4

Lake Havasu


Lake Havasu

Lake Havasu, AZ

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Chelan, WA

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Port Neches, TX

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Edgewood, MD

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Lock Haven, PA

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Castle Rock, WA

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Hoopa, CA

May 10 - May 11

US Title Series Spring Shootout


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Springfield, OH

May 10 - May 11

Spring Race at Salt Spring


Salt Spring Reservoir

Copperopolis, CA

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Stock Outboard Ballot Announcement

By: Jeff Brewster | Stock Outboard Chairman | Dec 18, 2019

SORC Ballot #1 Announcement

This week the following issues were approved by the majority of our Stock Outboard Commissioners:

1) Racing Rule 18.2.B.i. - Effective in the 2021 racing season, the third weekend in May deadline to hold the Eastern & Western Championships has been removed.

(The race may be held at any time during the season to open up more opportunities for other locations and hopefully, better weather.)

2) Tech manual rule on page 30 for 300SSH Propellers: subparagraph (c.) (add the words in all caps below to the sentence)

c. In the event a second day of racing is scheduled on the same day, the process must be repeated after the first day of racing. At championship races AND CLOSED COURSE RECORD RACES, this process must occur after each completed heat.

Purpose: To bring record event prop draw procedures more in line with championship prop draw procedures.

3) Rule No. 18:3:B:xii Page No. 33CURRENT RULEx

ii. In the event of a tie on points at the Top O’ Michigan Marathon Nationals, the tie will be broken on overall time for all places. If there is still a tie, the tie will be broken by the highest finishing position on the longest day or heat. Currently, the longest day is Sunday’s course.


xii. In the event of a tie on points at the Marathon Nationals, the tie will be broken on overall time for all places. For purposes of breaking a tie on time, an entrant that has finished both days will be scored above an entrant that only finished one day. If there is still a tie, the tie will be broken by the highest finishing position on the longest day or heat. The longest day or heat shall be determined by the Race Committee and announced at the driver’s meeting on the first day of racing.


1) The removal of “Top O’ Michigan”: Having “Top O’ Michigan in the rule leaves the rule ambiguous if the nationals are held in a different location. This standardizes the rule to any location chosen for the Marathon Nationals.

2) The addition of “Finished both Days” language: Establishes, as a rule, the unwritten scoring practice of placing an entrant that finished both days ahead of a one-day finisher in the case of a tie on points.3) The change to the “longest day” language: The existing rule is ambiguous. “Currently, the longest day is Sunday’s course” is

a) statement of fact at a point in time,

b) not a rule,

c) was not used in scoring the 2019 National Championship, and

d) does not provide a mechanism to clarify the longest day at Top O’ or other venue if the longest day changes due to course changes. “Highest finishing position on the longest day or heat” is ambiguous as to how the longest day/heat is determined and who is to determine the longest day. This change gives the Race Committee responsibility for determining and communicating the longest day.

Respectfully submitted by,

Jeff Brewster, Stock Outboard Chairman

December 18, 2019