Outboard Performance Craft Menu
Outboard Performance Craft

Capable of speeds over 140mph, the Outboard Performance Craft has come a long way since its beginnings as the "Outboard Pleasure Craft" class. This category of racing features some of the biggest, most powerful outboard engines in Powerboat Racing. OPC engines can range from off-the-shelf production engines to heavily modified, high tech engines built for world record speed. Today's most high tech OPC race boats can start from a dead engine start, go 0 to 100mph in 6 seconds and turn 180 degrees with forces of up to 5 G's. These tunnel boats are the fastest turning vehicle in the world!
Most OPC classes use the water-skimming tunnel boat design, with an air space under the boat between the sponsons. These range from open-cockpit Sport C boats to fast, powerful Formula 1 rockets. However, there's room for v-bottom and flatbottom coats as well in some classes. You can start with a class that uses off-the-shelf production engines and pleasure boats and move up to highly modified racing engines and built-for-speed composite hulls. Whether Many racers move from Stock, Modified or PRO racing to the Sport C or SST 45 class. Once they find they like tunnel boats, they can keep moving up in speed, size and budget. Sportsman classes like Tri-Hulls (in the Texas-Louisiana area), Mini GT and GT Pro get the whole family out on the water, racing together. (Kids as young as 12 can start in Mini GT).